The development of the private sector and micro-, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in particular, is essential to eradicate poverty (SDG 1 – No poverty) and achieve sustainable and inclusive economic development (SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth). We are also aware of the importance of tackling the green transition to aim at low-carbon economic growth and sustainable job creation for both governments and the private sector.

EMI brings more than 20 years of experience in technical assistance for economic development. We support governments and public bodies in designing better economic policies, fostering regulatory reform, and creating a business enabling environment, and improving access to finance to MSMEs through banking reform and policies to attract foreign direct investments.

Likewise, we work closely with MSMEs to build their capacity to create business linkages and be competitive on international value chains through better and more conformed product and enhanced marketing capacities, including digital marketing and e-commerce. For this purpose, EMI supports business support organisations (BSO) in meeting entrepreneurs' needs and reducing MSME's barriers to entry into national and international markets. We are also aware of the importance of woman and youth entrepreneurship and ready to provide tailor-made assistance to size the opportunities brought by green economic investments and circular economy schemes.

Areas of intervention:

  • SMEs policy development and support
  • Business environment reform
  • Investment and export promotion
  • Green growth
  • Innovation policy, digital transformation and e-commerce
  • Agribusiness including value chain development and business linkages
  • Business Advisory services (BDS)
  • Women's Economic Empowerment
  • Local economic development
  • Public-private partnerships
  • Access to finance and financial sector regulation

Private sector development and sustainable growth

Development of an Action Document to Support Economic Growth, Job Creation andTrade and Investment Promotion in Lesotho
September 2018

Project duration : September 2018 to October 2018
Region : Africa
Funding agency : EC - European Commission
Contract value : € 67 035,00

EU gateway | business avenues - Central Management Unit
December 2015

Project duration : December 2015 to November 2020
Region : Asia, Pacific & Oceania, European Union
Funding agency : EC - European Commission
Contract value : € 7 206 357,00

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