Natural resources and agriculture

Natural resources and agriculture have long been key areas of focus for EMI.

We are fully aware that the rapid expansion of the world population risen in demand for food and results in the over-exploitation of natural resources worldwide. Support the development of an agriculture system taking into consideration those issues, land use and coastal management to maintain biodiversity, allowing the agricultural communities to grow and be resilient to climate change is in the core of EMI concerns when delivery its services and technical advice. In this way, communities are enabled to be engaged in food production, ensuring food security, developing a model of climate smart and resilient agriculture, and securing environmental sustainability.

EMI has extensive experience in providing support to government bodies in achieving national sector objectives through provision of policy and institutional development, improving the efficiency of value chains, both upstream and downstream extension and advisory services, crop production and diversification, farm income diversification, training and capacity building.

Areas of intervention:

·        Sustainable agriculture and livestock

·        Sustainable natural resources management

·        Land management Food systems, sustainable agriculture and nutrition

·        Fishery and aquaculture

·        Biodiversity

·        Circular economy

Natural resources and agriculture

Appui à la formulation d’un programme régional d’appui au développement de l’économie pastorale en Afrique de l’Ouest et au Sahel (PRADEP- AOS)
December 2021

Project duration : December 2021 to April 2022
Region : Africa
Funding agency : EC - European Commission
Contract value : € 320 540,00

Asistencia técnica para el desarrollo del Plan Nacional del Ecuador al Pacto Verde Europeo, con enfoque en infraestructura de la calidad, sistemas productivos y marco regulatorio, en seis cadenas de valor de relevancia comercial
December 2021

Project duration : December 2021 to June 2023
Region : America & Caribbean
Funding agency : EC - European Commission
Contract value : € 929 230,00

Assessment of the animal identification registration system, database, and information security management system
December 2019

Project duration : December 2019 to August 2020
Region : Europe outside the EU
Funding agency : EC - European Commission
Contract value : € 60 350,00

Assistance technique pour l'élaboration de la Révision de la règlementation en matière de cadre légal et technique pour définir le système national de contrôle sanitaire des produits alimentaire en Guinée-Bissau
February 2022

Project duration : February 2022 to August 2022
Region : Africa
Funding agency : EC - European Commission
Contract value : € 80 200,00

Assistance technique pour la formulation /conception du prochain programme de coopération Union Européenne – Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAF) pour la période 2021-2027
December 2021

Project duration : December 2021 to May 2022
Region : Africa
Funding agency : EC - European Commission
Contract value : € 105 000,00

Economics of Climate Change in Central and West Asia - 02 Climate Change Adaptation Consultants
January 2015

Project duration : January 2015 to November 2016
Region : Asia
Funding agency : ADB - Asian Development Bank
Contract value : $ 1 192 025,00

All projects