Sound and transparent institutions are crucial for guaranteeing functional governance, enforcing human rights, providing functioning democratic processes, and preventing conflicts. Institutional quality is also a fundamental determinant of economic development and social cohesion.
EMI provides technical assistance and support to both national and decentralized governments to improve their public institutions, reform their justice and security systems and foster the rule of law, in line with SDG 16 (In line with SDG 16 (Peace Justice and Strong Institutions).
EMI is experienced in engaging the civil society to increase their participation in political and state-building processes, including in economic policy decisions, through capacity building and support to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and with particular attention to the rights of women, youth, and vulnerable groups.
We are also equipped to support social protection systems, including social security and inclusive healthcare. EMI also supports the labour market by providing technical assistance to guarantee decent work standards and labour rights and providing vocational training.
Areas of intervention:
- Human rights, democracy and rule of law
- Governance
- Enhancement of the role of civil society
- Local Authorities & Decentralisation
- Migration
- Conflict prevention and building resilience