Infrastructure, transport and sustainable energy

IIn the climate change environment in which we leave, sustainable mobility for all, renewable energy, energy efficiency and smart urban development have become an overriding policy objective.

Connecting people through transport and digital technologies infrastructure is a key element nowadays to develop jobs, markets, social infrastructure and knowledges on future common challenges and potential smart solutions.

Access to sustainable energy is after all a preliminary condition for development and contributes to improving health, education, agriculture, governance, communication, and other services to citizens.

When we talk about cities, we think and about its inhabitants. Urban development must tackle communities needs through policy development taking into consideration multiple challenges such as reducing the impacts of climate change, driving equity and inclusion, building a robust knowledge and resilient economy,

EMI is wide experience brings its capacities and knowledges to manage and support governments, municipalities, private sector and civil society actors in policy development and concrete implementation of long-term technical assistance projects.

Areas of intervention:

  • Transport and Infrastructures
  • Urban Development and Green Cities
  • Connectivity
  • Digital technologies and services
  • Sustainable Energy

Infrastructure, transport and sustainable energy

Economics of Climate Change in Central and West Asia - 02 Climate Change Adaptation Consultants
January 2015

Project duration : January 2015 to November 2016
Region : Asia
Funding agency : ADB - Asian Development Bank
Contract value : $ 1 192 025,00

Feasibility study and preparation of conceptual designs of Bridges at various ferry crossing points
February 2021

Project duration : February 2021 to September 2021
Region : Africa
Funding agency : EC - European Commission
Contract value : € 535 750,00

Formulation of Guidelines for Applicants for the Call for Proposals for Women Empowerment and Micro Small Enterprises Support: Lusaka Transmission Distribution Rehabilitation Project (LTDRP) - Low Voltage Distribution Network
April 2019

Project duration : April 2019 to May 2019
Region : Africa
Funding agency : EC - European Commission
Contract value : € 92 540,00

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Moyamba-Moyamba Junction Road and Bridges in Sierra Leone
February 2020

Project duration : February 2020 to November 2020
Region : Africa
Funding agency : EC - European Commission
Contract value : € 107 570,00

All projects